Kinue Kai Silk Painting Gallery
Kinue Kai Silk Painting is a group of FOT members and sumi-e students who meet monthly for Silk Painting.
The paintings below are from our members who participated in Kinue Kai sessions, organized by the year painted.
Click on a year to jump to a gallery of photos taken in that year.
Click on "Show More" to see all of the pictures available in the year's gallery.
Click on any photo to open a full screen window and see a larger view of the paintings in that gallery.
Swipe left or right on your phone to scroll through the images.
Click on the in the upper left corner to close the window and return to this page.
Click on "Show More" to see all of the pictures available in the year's gallery.
Click on any photo to open a full screen window and see a larger view of the paintings in the year's gallery.
Use the "<" and ">" symbols to scroll through the images.
Click on the "X" in the upper right to close the window and return to this page.