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Tuesday Painters 2014

Tuesday Painters is a group of FOT members and sumi-e students who meet to paint outdoors, or plein air painting. The informal group meets the 1st, 3rd, 4th and any 5th Tuesdays of each month from 9:00 am until Noon.

If you'd like to join in with the Tuesday Painters, contact Gaye Lingley  Any suggestions as to places to paint are appreciated. This is a great way to expand artistic horizons and sumi-e really lends itself to the out-of-doors.

To contact Friends of Sumi-e email or call 858 336-4916.

Visit our Facebook Group: Friends of Taka Sumi-e

Friends of Sumi-e is an affiliate of the San Diego Botanical Garden Foundation Inc. Balboa Park, and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

1650 El Prado, Casa Del Prado in San Diego
Balboa Park E-mail :

To submit content or corrections to the website contact our webmaster at

Copyright Notice:  This site is owned and operated by Friends of Sumi-e and

All images are copyrighted and may not be used without permission of the artists. All rights reserved.

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